
How to solve problem on leecode - Array

Tony Tony Follow May 03, 2019 · 1 min read
How to solve problem on leecode - Array
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The most common way is to traverse the array, manipulating each element. The other approach is to use double Pointers.

Double pointer, as the name implies, is to use two Pointers to traverse array. Two Pointers is commonly used in an ordered array. We use two pointers left pointer and right point which traverse the array form head and tail in the mean time. The traversal would be completed until the two pointers intersect. Time complexity is O (n).

  1. Establish one or more indicators.
  2. Move the indicator to the target element.
  3. manipulated the element.
  4. Repeat step 2.3 until you have traversed the entire array.

    How to use

    In general, We will have two pointers: left and right. They point to the beginning and end of an array, respectively.

      left = 0;
      right = len(A)-1

    The loop termination condition is whether two Pointers meet or one of the pointer traversals completed.

      while left<right:
      # do something
       #move the pointers
       if condition:

    Usable range

    Double Pointers are commonly used in ordered arrays. (unsorted arrays are also used in some cases.)
    Listed below are some of the common problem of array have (to be added latter)

    1. SUM

    In this case, if the array is ordered, we can use two Pointers to traverse from front to back, front to move and up, and tail to move and down, respectively. By specific judgment, we can find the specific SUM.
    Time complexity is O (n), if use double loop is O (n ^ 2).

    2. in place swap

    An in place swap of an array generally requires a double pointer, otherwise adding or removing an element from the array requires moving a large number of elements.
    In this case, it is usually one pointer traversal, the other pointer to find the elements can be used to swap.

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Written by Tony Follow
Hi, I am Tony, the author of Learning Journey blog. I hope you like what I sharing!