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Day2 Go的發展史

為什麼需要一個新的語言硬體限制 - 摩爾定律正在失效Intel於2004年發佈了第一塊具有3.0GHz時脈速度的Pentium4處理器。目前最新一代Intel Core I9的時脈速度約為3.5-4.0GHz。可以見得在過去的十年裡,CPU的處理能力沒有太大的發展。

In go, Sep 17, 2019

Day1 Index

為什麼我們需要學習Go用於增加開發人員生產力的語言 “Go will be the server language of the future.” — Tobias Lütke, Shopify

In go, Sep 16, 2019

Python Naming Conventions

Python Naming Conventions General Avoid using names that are too general or too wordy. Strike a good balance between the two. Bad: data_structure, my_list, info_map, di...

In Python, Sep 11, 2019



In golang fmt, Sep 09, 2019

[Sharing] Resource for preparing on-line coding interview

There are some great websites where you can practice your program skill, prepare the coding interview and mock the online coding test.WebsitePrampInterviewing: the most profitable sk...

In sharing, interview, Aug 27, 2019

Cracking the coding interview - Stacks and Queues

IntroductionQuestions Three in One:Describe how you could use a single array to implement three stacks. Stack Min:How would you design a stack which, in addition to push and pop, ha...

In interview, stack, queue, Aug 12, 2019

Sharing - self-reflection of job interview

AI類題目1) 給input size和convolution kernel size,然後問output大小和參數量 2) data augmentation的方法有什麼 3) supervised、unsupervised、semi-supervised learning的差異 4) 解釋 focal loss 5) VGG、ResNet的差異...

In interview, Aug 12, 2019

Cracking the coding interview - Linked list

IntroductionQuestions Remove Dups:Write code to remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list. FOLLOW UP How would you solve this problem if a temporary buffer is not allowed? Retu...

In interview, linked list, Aug 05, 2019

2019-05-24 F2E workshop Day5

17 Media面試題

In workshop, frontend, Jul 09, 2019

Cracking the coding interview - Array

Questions Is Unique: Implement an algorithm to determine if a string has all unique characters. What if you cannot use additional data structures?

In interview, array, Jul 07, 2019